The new moon can be thought of as a window in time when the Higher-Self initiates specific lessons or personal growth intentions for the coming month, and we can use the lunar cycle as a way of decoding evolutionary forces at a more granular level than the solar cycle or the transits of the slower moving planets.
For the spiritually minded person, the new moon is a time to receive the seed impulses for one’s personal evolution, and specifically those impulses toward bringing something new into conscious awareness. Each moon cycle fits into a larger cycle, which begins at the Aries new moon, and if you seriously want to track the unfolding pattern of higher-self guidance, it is a really good idea to record a log or journal of key messages and impressions received in the few hours before and after the new moon, roughly 4-5 hours on either side. During this window of time, make space to be more meditative and pay attention to your thoughts, inspirations, psychic messages and so on, as these will tend to correspond to the archetype the new moon is birthing in at the time, and correlate to the growth themes we are meant to work with during the month.
At some point in time (after a few months) you can look through your log and begin to see a key pattern unfolding, which can stimulate further insight in terms of life purpose.
To begin with...
The December Sagittarius new moon cycle may have gifted us with clear intuitive hits about where we need to go next in life, and while the recent Capricorn lunation might have drawn us more inward to be self-reflective, our attention will have been on more practical and realistic issues as we weighed and measured internally how intuitive inputs should be acted upon. Some might have felt unusually stifled or limited as expansive dream propositions were weighed against existing reality. The apparent clash between what is and what could be is a necessary tempering process, which generates forward momentum through internal struggle and evolutionary friction. Now with the upcoming lunation in Aquarius, we can expect to be more outward again and optimistic. There’s a natural leaning toward more social interaction with the air signs, and especially communication and ideas.
We are now approaching the end of the yearly Lunar Cycle, which always begins with the New Moon in Aries every March. One could say that the astrological new year begins at the Aries equinox together with the Aries New Moon; one offering a collective impulse and the other a personal one.
Life moves in cycles and we are cyclical beings; our co-creative flow moves and evolves as the cycles do, and this lunation, as we begin to wrap up the yearly Lunar Cycle, which in itself represents a very personal and granular perspective of our evolutionary process, we may start to begin receiving hints and pointers as to what is coming in the next cycle, but we should take care to not lose focus on the things we most need to attend to, as we try and wrap up lose ends and complete growth and developmental themes in the now.
What has this Lunar Cycle since March 2024 been about for you?
Perhaps it has been about cultivating patience, or about moving on from the past…maybe the focus has been on finding the path to heal…maybe its been about figuring out what you truly want next out of life…
There may have been numerous insights occurring over the last year, each one altering how you see yourself and the world around you, or maybe you have simply become more clear about your current life situation and what you don’t want.
This month, as Aquarius initiates through the Moon, we are more likely going to take a more objective position relative to our life questions and challenges, and we might be drawn more to like-minded connections, and new information emanating from the heterodox arena.
The chart cast for the Aquarius New Moon shows a more mellow and balanced energy than we have had for quite a while, with less stimulus, so lets take a deeper look at the archetypal themes on offer this month…
Chart cast for the Aquarius New Moon 29th Jan 2025 12.35 pm GMT / 7.35 am EST
For a guide to the astrological symbols click here
Venus conjunct Neptune and the North Node in Pisces
Saturn in exact conjunction with Nessus in Pisces
Icarus conjunct the New Moon
Quaoar and Pholus in exact conjunction in Capricorn
Sedna in conjunction with Mors-Somnus in Gemini
Varuna opposing the New Moon
Orcus opposing Saturn and Nessus
Typhon opposing Sedna and Mors-Somnus
A T-Square featuring Varuna opposing the New Moon with Vesta at the apex
Salacia square Quaoar and Pholus
Jupiter trine the New Moon
Typhon trine the North Node and Neptune
Varda trine Praamzius
Mercury trine Sedna and Mors-Somnus
A Grand Trine featuring Pluto, Mercury, Sedna, Mors-Somnus and the Lunar Nodes
A Yod formation featuring Quaoar and Pholus sextile Vesta with Jupiter at the apex
A Yod formation featuring Jupiter sextile Varuna with Quaoar and Pholus at the apex
Varda inconjunct Sedna and Mors-Somnus
Praamzius inconjunct Venus, Neptune and the North Node
Typhon sextile the South Node
Salacia sextile Jupiter and sextile the New Moon
Venus sextile Uranus
Quaoar and Pholus semi-sextile the New Moon
Attending to deep transformational process as we become more aligned with Christ-Sophia Consciousness
Most energised is the T-Square with Varuna in Leo opposing the New Moon and Icarus, with Vesta in Scorpio at the apex. The New Moon energy wave this month is fused with the energy of Icarus, highlighting descent and ascent cycles this month; more than likely, many will feel tempted to jump ahead in order to secure some tangible measure of progress or achievement, but this is to be avoided; skipping essential parts of the personal growth process will just set us back on the path. We are better off cultivating a tolerance for the uncertain, just a little longer; patience and endurance in the trust-process is a valuable test as we become more self-mastered.
Vesta at the apex of the T-Square indicates that we are best served when we tend to deep transformative processes; when we stay true to the composting of an old way and the skin-shedding that will eventually liberate us to become something more.
Liberation is a key Aquarian theme, and given that Pluto is building momentum in Aquarius, the yearning to break free and take a more liberated stance in life, is going to continue over the months and years to come.
A shift in the evolutionary axis
After one and half years in Aries/Libra, the nodal axis moved to Pisces/Virgo on Jan 11th 2025 initiating a change in the way we collectively and personally evolve for the next 18 months or so.
The passing Aries/Libra evolutionary themes, centred around resolving past relationships, balancing karmic debts in order to release and move on, combined with a continual impulse to break patterns of the past, in order to initiate change and movement into new growth territory. There has been much impetuous to do things differently in our personal lives.
Now the lunar North Node transits through Pisces and is currently conjunct Neptune in his home sign, who is now culminating and preparing to rebirth through Aries this March, soon after the equinox (for more on that check out an earlier post Neptune in Aries).
The next Lunar Cycle in March is going to be energised with new spiritual and creative beginnings! This shift into Pisces/Virgo will represent new evolutionary themes centred on spiritual growth and connection, forgiveness, healing, making whole, and work/service.
This New Moon, Typhon, a shadow/chaos archetype, will trine and sextile the nodes by exact degree, and thus will be energising the new evolutionary directive to seek direction and answers through an appropriate spiritual and transcendental belief system. When one considers that many in the western world identify as atheistic, this may prove to be quite a stimulating period of time.
Typhon himself, has been transiting Scorpio for many years now, stirring up a great deal of turmoil in the collective Shadow, both personally and collectively. Typhon tends to gift us with powerful tests that leave us both humbled and stronger, and over the last year or so he has been in a constant opposition to Uranus showing us that the disruptions in the world have served as a wake up call to reclaim personal power.
By the end of 2025, Typhon will begin to ingress into Sagittarius for the 1st time since his discovery, and we can expect shadow issues to show up in the arena of personal and collective beliefs, which I feel will bring right to the surface the death-throws of old and evolutionary defunct belief systems, especially influenced by the patriarchal distortion through organised religion.
The whole issue of patriarchy is further highlighted this month by Saturn and Nessus in exact conjunction in Pisces. These 2 archetypes have been moving in and out of conjunction for some time now, and on one level this signifies the dissolution of the patriarchal distortion through a growing awareness, within many, of the profound suffering that it has caused, the patterns of which we are all still processing and healing.
For the spiritual initiate, the frontier continues to be rooted in the return of the True Feminine as an antidote. This theme is amplified this month by Icarus close to the Sun; his rapid descent into the ocean can be seen as an inevitable immersion in the feminine realms as a way to establish proper spiritual foundations; as the Hawaiian kahunas say “you have to go down (into the Feminine and realms of soul) before you can go up (into the Masculine and realms of spirit)” or put another way, we can only ascend as Jesus did, through a deep integration with the Divine Feminine.
The development of spiritual connection through love and forgiveness is further symbolised by the North Node, Neptune and Venus conjunct in Pisces.
2 Yods add an element of internal crisis and adjustment
There are 2 interlocking Yods in the Aquarius New Moon chart, which add an emphasis of internal struggle this month linked to the metamorphosis of beliefs. Quaoar and Pholus are again in exact conjunction at 10˚ Capricorn, representing high frequency cosmic light transmissions anchoring through the body in ways that are now strongly impacting our personal structures and limited ways of thinking and being. As the lower frequency patterns within us are ‘challenged’ by higher frequency energy coming from the Galactic Logos via Helios the Sun, we can experience periodic crises, which in turn may challenge the foundations of what we actually believe about ourselves and about the world.
Varuna in Leo asks us “what if your cherished beliefs ultimately render you powerless and without sovereignty?”
Vesta in Scorpio asks us “what if your beliefs disable your ability to overcome personal limits?”
This lunation may generate some valuable objective insight about patterns of belief that are now coming up for review and release, as we move into the field of potentiality. Adjustments may have to be made.
Collective awakening amping up
A Grand Kite formation featuring Pluto, Mercury, Sedna, Mors-Somnus, Neptune and the Lunar Nodes adds a certain intensity to the recent ingress of the Nodes into Pisces/Virgo. Sedna and Mors-Somnus in conjunction at 0˚ Gemini, represents new energy now influencing the way the world develops. Sedna as an archetype adds more energy to the returning Feminine, acting as a channel for tremendous leaps in scientific knowledge, through people who are activating their inherent feminine aspect. Mors-Somnus speaks in part to the awakening of the masses from a socially engineered mind-control program, now activated by Sedna. Meanwhile Typhon in Scorpio in direct opposition shows how the revelation of power abuse in the world is stimulating more and more people, little by little, to awaken from simulated thinking.
Pluto and Mercury conjunct in Aquarius add an intensified impulse to free the mind; one might say that it's going to be easier this month to penetrate conditioned reality to perceive more truly what is. This could feel liberating or unsettling.
The Nodal Axis forming the Kite emphasises the evolutionary nature of the current time, causing many to analyse and use critical thinking toward a more spiritualised state, or at the lower expression to feel fundamentally victimised with a tendency to check out or to buy into self-deception.
I think this Grand Kite sets the scene for the coming year, telling us to get ready for more tangible shifts in collective awareness.
In a recent interview with Rod Dreher about his book “Living in Wonder”, he observes the return of young people in their 20s (typically male) to the Christian Church, most seeking something that is deep, rich, ancient, weird and challenging. This rising attendance in churches is happening in many places including the UK, USA, France, Germany and Finland, suggesting that the millennials and Gen Z are now awakening in larger numbers to move beyond a purely secular and science-materialist paradigm, and are now searching for transcendental systems that can address and support the stirrings of a spiritual nature. I think we can expect to see this getting more pronounced when Neptune rebirths in Aries from 2025-2038. The question however is whether the various denominations of the Christian Church will be able to sufficiently deliver enough depth and philosophical substance that will satisfy this emergent calling or not. Neptune entering Aries may stimulate either a revival of religious interest, entirely new spiritual growth pathways or indeed both!
With Venus (the lower octave of Neptune) in balsamic conjunction to Neptune in Pisces close to the North Node, this month will pivot on spiritual activations that have a strong influence on our inner world, awakening a stronger call to reach for deeper life meaning. Within the collective, this may represent an emergent hunger for the transcendental and a call to embrace values that can accommodate the spiritual nature of life. For those already on a spiritual path we can expect to be more open to the subtle realms, and may start receiving information about the future to prepare us for what is yet to come. This may also be a month when we experience an inner and intimate connection with the Divine, and by extension, with beings of light choosing to connect with us in service to the greater good.
The Icarus fusion with the New Moon energy this month emphasises a need to build firm foundations with all spiritual work; we should avoid skipping essential developmental steps in pursuit of tangible outer measures of progress, as these invariably are rooted too much in the ego. For most of us, slow, steady and silent inner growth is the optimal path.
© 2025 Aquila Idha - all rights reserved. Please credit and reference me and this website when choosing to use any written part of this article.
Aquila offers Self-realisation mentoring, Evolutionary Astrology, and Tarot sessions for those awakening to their true potential.