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Capricorn New Moon Forecast '24

trees, hills, lake, moon, clouds, fish-goat


The new moon can be thought of as a window in time when the Higher-Self initiates specific lessons or personal growth intentions for the coming month, and we can use the lunar cycle as a way of decoding evolutionary forces at a more granular level than the solar cycle or the transits of the slower moving planets.

For the spiritually minded person, the new moon is a time to receive the seed impulses for one’s personal evolution, and specifically those impulses toward bringing something new into conscious awareness. Each moon cycle fits into a larger cycle, which begins at the Aries new moon, and if you seriously want to track the unfolding pattern of higher-self guidance, it is a really good idea to record a log or journal of key messages and impressions received in the few hours before and after the new moon, roughly 4-5 hours on either side. During this window of time, make space to be more meditative and pay attention to your thoughts, inspirations, psychic messages and so on, as these will tend to correspond to the archetype the new moon is birthing in at the time, and correlate to the growth themes we are meant to work with during the month.

At some point in time (after a few months) you can look through your log and begin to see a key pattern unfolding, which can stimulate further insight in terms of life purpose.


goat, bells, moon, leaves

The Capricorn New Moon typically initiates Higher-Self impulses toward a practical and realistic motivation. Following on from the Sagittarius lunation, where the impulse was toward expansion, aspiration, optimism and a wider understanding of our personal unfolding path in life, now we will gravitate toward grounding those inspirations into something doable or realistic. The onus is to take new understanding and use it to plot a practical path with realistic goals; to consolidate and ground the inspirations and aspirations of the Sagittarius impulse, into a plan, strategy and structured process, and with the cardinal nature of Capricorn, to implement a plan of action of some kind moving forward.

The recent solstice wave was charged with the energy to break from the past into new things, and this lunation we can expect to go through processes that effectively ground the future-forward seed-impulses through a practical and realistic lens. 

Following the gregarious and somewhat extravagant Sagittarius energy last month, where we may have been more inclined to have a little fun and indulgence over the Yule festival, now we will be drawn inward more to reflect on the last year, and appraise how we feel we have progressed toward goals, and perhaps review or reset goals for the coming year. If we have been more reflective and in solitude there may be quite a lot of new awareness or insight to ground in the coming weeks.

The onus is on getting ready to work on things again, figuring out any realistic goals we should head for, and taking stock of our inner reality: how we really feel, what we think we want, reevaluating life direction, and embracing a degree of sobriety and maturity as we head into the new year.

The new moon chart features a striking stellium of planets in Capricorn, a Grand Kite, an energised T-Square and a Yod, making for an interesting balance of energies as we step into 2025, so lets take a deeper look at the archetypal themes on offer this month…

astrology chart

Chart cast for the Capricorn New Moon 30th Dec 22.26 GMT / 17.26 EST (31st Dec in NZ/AU

For a guide to the astrological symbols click here




  • Manwë conjunct the lunar North Node in Aries

  • New Moon conunct Quaoar, Pholus and Pallas in Capricorn


  • Pluto opposing Mars

  • Orcus opposing Nessus

  • Praamzius opposing Venus

  • Salacia opposing Makemake


  • A T-Square featuring Salacia opposing Makemake with the New Moon, Quaoar, Pholus, and Pallas at the apex

  • Saturn square Jupiter


  • A Grand Fire Trine featuring Praamzius, Varda and Eris

  • Mars trine Manwë

  • Varuna trine Salacia

  • Gonggong trine Haumea


  • A Yod formation featuring Chiron sextile Chariklo with Orcus at the apex

  • Manwë and the North Node inconjunct Haumea

  • The New Moon, Quaoar, Pholus and Pallas inconjunct Varuna



rainbow, grass, hills, male warrior
Aquarius - heterodoxy - progress - freedom

We are now moving fully into a 20 year Aquarian evolutionary era, which is going to change the world quite fast. These changes will be linked to new technology and a planetary humanitarian renaissance. We are already experiencing the building tension and pressure, within the global pattern of unfolding events, between oligarchic self-interested powers and the power of the common people. It is only within the last decade or so that the nature of who and what is deciding how the world moves into the future, has become more revealed and salient to the common person living outside the domains of power. 

This new moon, like the solstice just past, coincides with Mars in Leo in opposition to Pluto in Aquarius, and this generates a great deal of energy and tension; Aquarian evolutionary forces are pushing against those who think they are above everyone else (empire, monarchy, rulership etc) and vice versa. 

matrix, human, mandala
Freedom from the False Matrix

Meanwhile Manwë conjunct the lunar North Node in Aries, is generating a great deal of momentum within the collective to move beyond the old patterns, and Mars is trine the North Node and sextile the South Node, making the archetype of action and creative drive pivotal in how we move forward. This may be a time when courage is needed to make soveriegn decisions.

On a personal level, there is energy building to liberate from whatever is holding us back, through creative impulses to take the helm of our own ship and more directly influence how our destiny unfolds; in the positive expression this means remembering we are sovereign co-creator beings, as we prepare to take personal aspects of ourselves out into the social arena, in order to make moves in the world toward those new beginnings that were seeded in the last 1-2 years, and which are yet to fully manifest. For some of us, 2025 will be a year when creative projects finally get the green light to take form in the world.

Riding the high-frequency waves toward new levels of self-mastery

rainbow, mountains, lake, forest, rocks, pilgrim

The new moon is strikingly in exact conjunction to the ongoing Quaoar/Pholus conjunction in Capricorn, and Pallas-Athena is just 2˚ away. The Quaoar-Pholus conjunction, which began several years ago, and will continue for more years to come, signifies potent high frequency energy transmissions from the Galactic Logos, via our sun, entering the Gaian energy system, and generating significant cultural and societal change, as part of a process of planetary ascension: we are collectively shifting away from fear into the vibration of love, and we are doing this through healing the mind-body split, and allowing frequency changes to work through the physical, mental and emotional levels of the auric field, to release the lower frequency patterns, to become ever more connected and aligned with the Living Field Matrix.

With the New Moon in exact conjunction, these potent new frequencies are going to flood the planetary energy system in ways that are likely to promote very strong Higher-Self insights, perhaps initiating new goals, and certainly challenging our pre-existing idea of things, and who we think we are. The stellium in Capricorn makes an exact inconjunct to Varuna in Leo, so we can expect to be challenged this month to let go of preconceived notions and expectations, and to build more trust in the Self as a reliable guiding principle. If we resist the process, we may feel stifled and blocked from progress; we may need to embrace constructive feedback in order to overcome inner obstacles.

With Pallas-Athena in the mix, we can work through problem areas as long as we listen to the guiding voice within. The way high frequency transmissions affect us is of course entirely varied and unique to each one of us; if we resist changes we need to make, we can expect life events to let us know in some way, and if we happen to flow with things, we are likely to experience some clear inner messaging this month.

Inner change is central to the way we move forward

woman, sapling

A Grand Kite aspect featuring Eris, Varda and Praamzius is a collective powerhouse influencing evolution. We can sum this up as the continued awakening of the True Feminine as we move into alignment with natural law and greater wholeness. This isn’t entirely harmonious or gentle; Eris as the keeper of the wounded feminine within all of us, needs to be seen and heard, before we are able to tend to her. Her position close to Chiron in recent months has pointed to the ongoing healing of the feminine at a global level, especially in connection to war and violence. 

Varda on the Galactic Centre provides a tremendous amount of coherent healing energy, which I think is softening and mitigating any uncontrolled release of repressed collective energy; one truly wonders how much worse it might have been, with regard to the Israeli-Palestine conflict, now very much at the centre of our media attention and personal prayers; these racial wounds run very deep, and the ascension imperative is toward unification through forgiveness, love and equality.

Venus opposing Praamzius is the apex of the Kite, and this means that central to this collective process is our personal willingness to accept inner change as the foundation for positive outer change. If we want to move into new growth experiences, we must be willing to accept inner change as a first step.

  • In both our personal and collective processes, will we reach for the power of love through the wisdom-knowing of the heart, in order to move into the vibration of forgiveness, kinship, friendship and acceptance?

  • What personal values can we become more objectively aware of and release if they are now too limiting?

Healing processes are essential to the spiritual path

green lotus flower, mandala

A Yod aspect featuring Chiron sextile Chariklo with Orcus in Virgo at the apex, highlights a continuing healing theme as we awaken and empower. For anyone actively on a conscious spiritual path of development, this aspect ties into the high-frequency potential on offer through the New Moon/Quaoar/Pholus conjunction. This high-frequency infusion has the potential to quicken our personal processes this lunation and beyond; what we receive this month may stimulate inner changes for months to come.

Mythically, Chiron and Chariklo are a marriage pair, which is it say that their energies are complimentary and work together. While Chiron as the wounded healer must both work with personal wounding at the soul level, while also heeding the call to help others heal, Chariklo provides the container for healing to take place. Chiron in Aries is either activating past-life wound patterns pertaining to misuse of energy and power, especially through violence, war, and sexual assault, or he is initiating us into new spiritual territory (the recent revelation about the organised mass rape of Gisele Pelicot in France is yet another example of the current Chiron process).

Chariklo in Aquarius signifies that the type of environment or container needed is outside of the orthodox medical paradigm; we must look to the heterdox and holistic approaches. 

A healing crisis most often is an invitation to go deeper and move into levels of change we may not realise are needed. This is most relevant in respect of high-frequency light infusions that can catalyse radical changes, pushing against stagnant and limiting mental and emotional patterns, which can potentially manifest as physical illness, especially when we are unconsciously resisting needed change. There are many many people on the planet choosing this route at the soul level as a way to awaken beyond the science-materialistic "flat-land" frame of reality; to be in a healing crisis that is life threatening or intensely uncomfortable, invariably drives us to look for answers beyond our habitual beliefs.

The centaur Nessus is in exact opposition to Orcus (and has been for some time now) and that puts him geometrically right in the middle between Chiron and Chariklo. Nessus is a shadow archetype connected to the patriarchal tendency to abuse the inner-feminine, and he is intrinsically linked to the processing of personal pain and suffering, as we release the lower frequency patterns in our auric fields, sometimes from many prior lifetimes. This archetypal sky pattern mirrors what so many of us are going through, as the awakening journey continues to unfold.

Yod aspects are generators of adjustment and correction; isn’t it common that personal suffering often leads to greater humility? 

This month we are reminded that as we acknowledge our inner pain and suffering (often repressed), we can choose to heal if we make the correct space for healing to occur. For some of us, physical illness may manifest as a means to make needed adjustments to the way we live. For others, seeking safe like-minded spaces can really help us process through some of the emotional backlog; sharing stories can bring deeper resolution.


saturn, jupiter, cosmos

The December Solstice was host to the 2nd Saturn-Jupiter square, the first one occurred last August, and a final third square will occur next June. This same theme is carried forward on this New Moon, highlighting this window of time from now until the end of 2025, as a time of personal expansion as we are more energised toward taking productive steps forward into new cycles of development, tied into the new emerging Aquarian era, marked by Pluto’s recent ingress into Aquarius, and the last Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in Dec 2020 at 0˚ Aquarius (reactivated by the square), which is helping us all ditch the old self-limiting patterns, so we can expand into more liberated personal potential.

(I cover the Saturn-Jupiter cycle in a recent post here.)

And lastly, a T-Square featuring Salacia opposing Makemake with the New Moon at the apex, is going to make this lunation quite interesting for anyone tuning into the higher frequencies. If we set the right intentions, there is real scope for some profound spiritual insights. 


© 2024 Aquila Idha - all rights reserved. Please credit and reference me and this website when choosing to use any written part of this article.

Aquila offers Self-realisation mentoring, Evolutionary Astrology, and Tarot sessions for those awakening to their true potential.



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