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Libra Equinox Forecast '24

suns, planets, moons, clouds


In astrology, the solstices and equinoxes occur when the sun enters one of the four cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, and the cardinal signs act as doorways for metaphysical energy to more easily influence the field; they tend to initiate change. For this reason, much like with eclipses, which are also liminal magical gateways, we can use a chart cast for these days to gather useful information about human evolution and its affect on the world. I use the term magical in the sense of spiritual energy shaping matter, or the power of Mind to influence outcome, and in the case of the equinox for about 3 months.

The sun is central to the evolution of consciousness on the planet, and is directly linked to sun-spot activity and the transmission of visible and invisible light, and throughout the year, pulses of energy pour into the human collective field and the Gaian energy system, much like notes played on a piano generating a shifting musical chord over time. In this way the forecasts are best understood together and not just as sole events, but rather as energy downloads that mix and merge with those that came before.

Astrological symbols express quite differently depending on one's core vibration of consciousness, so there are numerous ways we each can experience how the cosmic energies in play move us. In addition I work increasingly with the newer archetypes correlating to new celestial bodies discovered since 2000. These newer archetypes operate at much higher vibrations than the traditional more personal ones, and this means that the more we ascend in vibration the more we become conscious of these newer cosmic players, and the more they influence us.

I write from an esoteric foundation and aim to decode causative patterns rather than the effects. I am not trying to predict exactly what will happen in the world, but rather to unveil the nature of the energy unfolding and the evolutionary opportunity available to all of us, so we are better prepared to respond individually.


To begin with...

light waves

This Libra equinox wave lasting about 3 months until December, is influenced by a tense and challenging Grand Cardinal Square, a harmonising ‘speedy’ Grand Fire Trine, and 2 Yods, making the next 3 months quite stimulating and energised. The eclipse season, starting with a lunar eclipse in Pisces on 17th/18th September, followed by a solar eclipse in Libra on 2nd October, adds more complexity to the equinox wave, and both eclipse charts offer a degree of personal developmental intensity over the coming months.

The equinox wave also occurs close to the South Node, energising the past as an active agent for evolution and change; issues rooted in the past are now coming forward as a means to resolve, learn or understand past events as we move forward. 

In addition, the Equinox Sun is in a close trine to the Moon, Sedna and Mors-Somnus, making the next 3 months a more optimal time for personal awakening into wider perspectives of reality. 

There is quite a lot going on so let’s dive in and unveil some of the core themes carrying forward until the end of 2024…

astrology chart

Chart cast for the September Equinox on 22nd Sep 2024 at 19:19 BST/ 14.19 EDT (23rd Sep for AUS/NZ)

For a guide to the astrological symbols click here




  • Sun conjunct lunar South Node in Libra

  • Moon conjunct Sedna and Mors-Somnus in Gemini

  • Chiron conjunct Eris in Aries

  • Salacia conjunct the lunar North Node in Aries

  • Quaoar conjunct Pholus in Capricorn

  • Venus conjunct Haumea

  • Makemake conjunct the lunar South Node in Libra

  • Uranus conjunct Sedna and the Moon


  • Mars opposing Quaoar and Pholus

  • Eris opposing Venus and Haumea

  • Mercury opposing Neptune

  • Salacia opposing Makemake


  • A Grand Cardinal Square featuring Mars, Makemake, Salacia, Quaoar and Pholus

  • A T-Square featuring Eris opposing Venus with Pluto at the apex

  • A T-Square featuring Neptune opposing Mercury with Jupiter at the apex

  • Uranus square Praamzius


  • A Grand Fire Trine featuring Varda, Eris and Praamzius

  • Sun trine the Moon, Sedna and Mors-Somnus

  • Saturn trine Mars


  • A Yod formation featuring Neptune sextile Uranus with Venus and Haumea at the apex

  • A Yod featuring Haumea sextile Ixion with Sedna, Mors-Somnus and the Moon at the apex

  • Chiron and Eris inconjunct Mercury



gamma radiation light beam

There as been a lot of high-frequency stimulation since the Cancer Solstice last June:

  • Personal activations began to ramp up from the Cancer New Moon, which occurred in exact conjunction with the star Sirius; a Grand Cardinal Square with the Cancer New Moon opened us up to light-initiations.

  • The following Leo New Moon, which occurred in the middle of the 8:8 Lion’s Gate Portal also connected with Sirius and Orion, was highly energised, adding more energy to the light-initiation theme.

  • From the Cancer Solstice onwards there have been numerous symbolic patterns highlighting strong infusions of the returning goddess energy. The return of the Divine Feminine featured in the Cancer New Moon, the Leo New Moon, the Virgo New Moon, and continues with the Libra Equinox Wave.

  • The 12.8 year Mayan galactic quantum wave cycle also re-birthed in late August 2024, initiating a ‘day-cycle’ for the next 12.8 years, heralding a significant shift in energy toward the feminine principle, spiritual awakening, and new creative initiatives in alignment with natural law.


I cover the recent shifting of cosmological energies in a recent post: Cosmic Metamorphosis - Climbing the Frequency Ladder. 

For a more detailed overview of the new Mayan Galactic Wave see: A New Galactic ‘Day Cycle’ in the Mayan Calendar.

If you want to revisit past forecasts click here


Facing and processing the story of Atlantis

whale, priestess, water, pyramid, moon, stars

Makemake is currently very close to the lunar South Node in Libra, and is in exact opposition to Salacia in Aries, and this month Mars joins this dynamic to form the apex of a tense and energised T-Square aspect. Collective interest in Atlantis is rising again. For example a Billy Carson podcast on lost civilisations commands 1.8M views in just a month. There is of course much speculation on the story of Atlantis, but in general most who are open to the idea of Atlantis resonate with the idea that it fell due to misuse of power and a deviation from natural law principles. We know that there was a global cataclysm circa 15,000 years ago, which probably synchronises with the last era of Atlantis and destroyed almost all evidence of past high culture. It also correlates to the beginning of the False Matrix, most likely installed by negative forces taking advantage of a weakened and traumatised human collective on Earth.

The fall of Atlantis is associated with an epoch known in esoteric circles as the Luciferian Rebellion, which began circa 26,000-30,000 years ago and led to the rise of the Archons (dark ruling entities as appear in the Gnostic texts), when much of the metaphysical infrastructure of the planet supporting consciousness was gradually inverted and used as a way to severely limit and control human consciousness. The intelligences connected to the Luciferian Rebellion effectively polluted and infiltrated the Atlantean root race, and seeded a dark cycle of evolution on the planet lasting 26,000 years (a great precessional cycle), which has only recently culminated as we now transition into an new light cycle. This culmination is thought to coincide with the Mayan Calendar date of 2012. 

If we take this idea seriously, then everything that we know about the world is conditioned by the last 26,000 years of overt and covert control and manipulation; we have been accustomed at the soul level to repeat cycles of control, tyranny and war, so much so that a common thought reaction is to think we humans have always been so inclined. My heart-truth resonates with the idea that human beings have immense spiritual capacity and co-creative potential, which has been actively suppressed for eons (we need only read the stories of the Indian guru Babaji to get a sense of what is possible).

youth, cigarrette, lyrics
Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall prt2

As we tentatively emerge out of the False Matrix, a great deal of new information is emerging as we realise that much of our official history is simply not true. How do we know what we think we know? After all almost everything we furnish our view of reality with, and in particular history, is taken from the words of others (written or spoken) and not at all built from personal experience. Almost all education is  now indoctrination - remember Pink Floyd’s album The Wall?

Makemake in conjunction to the South Node in Libra has been activating a retrieval of lost knowledge pertaining to our ancient past, as part of the balancing of karma, as we elevate into the frequency of love; we have to deal with what has happened to us collectively as we ascend. Salacia in Aries in direct opposition adds more stimulation; she is stimulating us collectively to unveil the hidden in this regard, and this process is being led mostly by starseed/wanderer souls who are more readily receptive to awakening. With Mars in Cancer in exact square to these two collective archetypes, it suggests there is going to be a real push to unveil lost and hidden parts of the human story. This is an inevitable part of collective awakening. The nature of Salacia close the the North Node in Aries, indicates that this will be lead by pioneers, trailblazers and whistleblowers who will slowly alter the mainstream viewpoint. Cancer is the key archetype for memory and ancestral knowledge; perhaps we will see some of the record-keepers in the form of either indigenous elders or spiritual adepts such as in Tibet, stepping forward with new information regarding Earth’s history. 

Mars is a central archetype to this Libra equinox forecast, he anchors in the potent energy of the Cardinal Grand Square. In essence we can expect new disclosures to emerge in this next 3 month period. This is tied into the ongoing Quaoar/Pholus conjunction in Capricorn, which symbolises the infusion of high-frequency cosmic energy, now quickening the breakdown of collective amnesia and mind control. The term mind-control can sound a bit dramatic, but if one doesn’t think independently of others and conforms to collective patterns, then there is no ‘thinking’ taking place, just simulated thinking. As the old Jesuit saying goes : give me a child before he is 7 years old and we will have him for life.  This Grand Square represents a pivotal juncture as we approach 2025. Grand Cardinal Squares generate a great deal of evolutionary pressure, forcing something to break from the existing pattern. The presence of the nodal axis within the Grand Square emphasises this shift in the balance and breaking free into new developmental territory.

The returning feminine is central to human evolution at this time

grail, sun, tree, woman

As mentioned earlier, the symbols point strongly to potent activation of the Divine Feminine principle as we collectively liberate from the False Matrix and become more integrated. Ascension can only happen through integration; it is a cyclical process of ascent and descent experienced as facing ones personal shadow, retrieving lost aspects of self and soul, healing unresolved trauma and pain, combined with moments of profound elevation, aspiration, creativity and revelation as we throw off the mental chains of our conditioning. The brit-pop hit “New Song” by Howard Jones in the early 80s expresses a striking resemblance to this process.

Goddess archetypes are key forces in the equinox chart: 

  • Salacia, the goddess of the sea, is close to the North Node and part of the Grand Cardinal Square

  • Eris the goddess of discord and the wounded feminine is conjunct Chiron the healer and opposing Venus the goddess of love and Haumea the goddess of regeneration and renewal

  • Sedna newly in Gemini is conjunct the Moon and trine the Equinox Sun

  • Varda is part of a Grand Fire Trine with Eris

What does this mean?

It means we are being impulsed more and more to reconnect with nature, with each other, with the cosmos, our spiritual nature and our life purpose. We are bringing in the balance by electing to integrate the lost feminine aspects of our true nature to become ever more whole, balanced and sovereign. Only when we are out of balance do we become receptive to psychotronics, hypnotic suggestion and entity attachments. 

Healing the wounded feminine

hand, energy, hearts

Eris is the epitome of the female pariah; she is the keeper of all that was rejected by the imposed patriarchal system within each one of us. As she reintegrates into the collective soul, she naturally generates chaos, shaking things up to generate a new pattern of order. Her merger with Chiron the wounded healer challenges us all to work consciously toward greater integration of our wounded selves; welcoming home those parts that we reject and withhold love from. Her opposition to Venus and Haumea represents an integration challenge and a stimulus to become more objectively aware of our personal integration journey. We can expect this theme to affect almost all of us. The key here is that through a conscious willingness to feel into whatever arises within us from day to day and week to week, we can begin to forgive, heal, transform and empower ourselves through love.

The Grand Fire Trine featuring Eris, Varda and Praamzius is very helpful; we are not alone with this work; we can enlist assistance from other dimensions if we ask, and there is free flowing energy toward personal empowerment if we don’t resist or block whatever wants resolution. Praamzius offers us a stabilising cohering influence; through integration we become more self-realised.


When asking for spiritual help, always ask from a position of equality and personal sovereignty - do not petition for help from a victimised or disempowered place. Higher beings, operating at a higher frequency than fear, can’t hear us unless we rise into our power. In the cultures of light all are equal, there are no superiors. 


Uranus is approaching the end of Taurus after 6 years in the sign. He will begin to ingress into Gemini in early July next year. Taurus ruled by Venus represents the relationship we have with ourselves, our core essential needs and our core values, and Uranus has certainly been catalysing new awareness in this area collectively. In his own way, he has been activating the feminine and preparing space for us to more deeply integrate the feminine in ourselves. Uranus forms part of a Yod with Neptune and Venus, and this further highlights the evolutionary need to make whatever internal adjustments are necessary to allow the Divine Feminine to express more freely in our day to day lives.

Why is the returning feminine so important?

hands, mudhra, fire, water

As we activate, reclaim and empower the feminine within, we increasingly become more immune to the negative influences of the False Matrix, and this is a crucial aspect of collective ascension and liberation from control systems.

It is also worth noting that these same symbols represent the rebirth of the true feminine on the planet, which is synonymous with the correction of the inverted feminine sometimes symbolised as Baphomet, worshipped by dark cults, and often energised through pop icon videos. This means that we can expect more sacred sites to be cleansed and liberated planet wide in the coming times. Some of you may already be doing this work.

The return of the feminine does not mean we pay no attention to the wounded and oft times distorted masculine. However the cultivation of the feminine mode allows us to make space for crucial inner healing and personal development, which in turn corrects an imbalanced and unhealthy masculine mode.

Finalising lessons through deeper understanding

Pluto has now moved back into Capricorn for the last time this cycle. He won’t return to Capricorn for another 248 years. Pluto in Capricorn since 2008 has been a challenging and testing time for most of us at the individual level. We have been learning lessons of responsibility, strength and inner self-authorisation; we have been awakening to the inner patterns and structures that no longer serve us, often through out-pictured challenges, and through greater self-awareness hopefully moving beyond them. Most of us will be more mature, inwardly stronger, and self-determining than we were before. Until December, Pluto will finish up the Capricorn lessons, so just bear in mind some past elements may resurface for releasing, through deeper personal understanding. We should expect to be letting some things go as we attune and acclimatise to the new Aquarian energy we are moving into at very deep levels of consciousness. 

Pluto features as the apex of a tense and energised T-Square with Eris in Aries and Venus in Libra.

Chiron and Haumea are also in the mix. This looks like a real opportunity to work with the wounds of a now waning patriarchy. Women and men alike have all suffered under the yoke of a system rooted in negative hierarchies, abuse of power, and inequality. The evolutionary pressure at the personal level is to let go of the old way, through understanding our part in it, as we make more room for the feminine in our everyday lives in deeper ways than before. If we can release the old patterns, then we can move into powerful healing and regenerative processes in the coming weeks and months.

The 2 Yods - New awareness activates inner change toward personal truth and life purpose

woman praying, rumi

When Yods appear in forecast charts it represents energy dynamics that stimulate us to make internal adjustments of one kind or another, or to attain a degree of humility in the face of powers greater than ourselves. The apex archetypes of a Yod tend to be the focal point or arena where the work to greater self awareness happens. 

In both Yods we have 4 goddess archetypes at the apexes: Sedna and the Moon; Venus and Haumea. These 2 Yods add emphasis to the current and ongoing dynamic of the return of the feminine principle into collective humanity. Both apexes are tied to slow moving transpersonal archetypes, both of which have recently ingressed into new signs, and this represents significant collective shifts in consciousness, and both these transpersonal archetypes are also melded with the primary personal goddess archetypes of Venus and the Moon; the transpersonal has direct influence on the personal. This is quite an intriguing reflection in the sky.

In addition the 2 Yods are inter-linked, which is to say that one apex also forms part of the other Yod, so there is going to be a synergy effect. 

In one Yod we have Haumea at 0˚ Scorpio sextile to Ixion in Capricorn, so we can see that the rebirth of the feminine principle is linked to the integration of shadow aspects connected to the patriarchal distortion, and right now the rebirth and empowerment of the feminine is connected to the way we relate to ourselves and others. In this Yod, Sedna and the Moon in exact conjunction are at the apex along with Mors-Somnus - new awareness related to how the male dominant system violates the individual will become more salient in ways that cause us to reevaluate our core essential needs and values, and make us more aware of the dark side of modern culture with its media, mind manipulations, and toxic foods. The sense here is that we are being asked to wake up to something and alter course away from the deathly aspects of society and culture, and to open the mind to fresh ideas. This can happen of course on many levels.

As an example, trauma awareness could act as a catalyst for deeper healing:

inuit woman
Sedna empowered knows innate purpose

Sedna in Gemini expresses collectively on several levels, and she is in exact conjunction with the Moon making the Sedna process personal, while amped up by the equinox Sun by trine. For some of us, Sedna will catalyse radical new understanding about reality as cosmic knowledge unzips in our awareness. For others, Sedna may awaken deep shadow integration as we awaken to ourselves and unveil lost memories connected with past violations. Something from the deep unconscious may suddenly surface with life changing effects. Whatever happens though, there is real scope to heal and regenerate through Sedna experiences. We can expect to see more and more people learning about trauma and how it affects personal behaviour and potential, especially through online presentations. Inner or outer events may literally cause some to wake up from the hypnotic trance of materialism.

The 2nd Yod features Neptune sextile Uranus, feeding into the 1st Yod, indicating the revelation of the hidden being brought forward in ways that liberate, and thus emergent intuitive information having a direct impact on our personal inner world, in ways that activate the healing and transformative powers of the feminine. Sedna is going to bring a lot of new information into our lives; some of it will be connected to new cosmological truths, and some of it will connect to the parts of ourselves that have been violated and which we may have lost touch with.


Serpent energy heals and empowers

At the heart of this Yod dynamic is a clear potential to heal, transform and empower through a conscious willingness to engage the shadow through intuitive and spiritual means, and shed old skins and past forms.

Collectively this looks like a call to awaken to the dark powers at work in our lives, in the world at large, and to choose to move away from compliance toward our true life calling. The key to the Yod is the power of internal healing and change through a release of wilful egocentricity. We can of course choose to resist these internal challenges, but even if we do, some erosion of a pre-existing and fixed viewpoint will occur.


Neptune in the last degrees of Pisces is now culminating growth lessons connected to higher purpose and meaning, the spiritual aspects of life, and the way we engage spiritually or disengage through escape tactics (narcotics, hedonism, movies, tv) or distraction (negative news, illusions and deceptions). Neptune will begin to ingress into Aries (1st sign) in April 2025, ushering in a rebirth of the spiritual journey, which may see the beginnings of a dynamic collective shift toward new spiritual practices and beliefs. 

Neptune is opposed by Mercury in Virgo and square to Jupiter in Gemini. Both Virgo and Gemini are ruled by Mercury, so in the coming months we may see lessons of discernment being more active, especially when concerned with ‘truths’ promulgated in the media, or pertaining to spiritual experiences and what they mean for us. Mercury in Virgo wants to use the left-brain logical mode to make sense of non-linear experiences, and this is of course ineffective. Jupiter at the apex of this T-Square asks us to integrate the masculine left brain logical with feminine right brain intuitional perspectives for true understanding. If we can manage to do this, we are set to enjoy some expansive personal insights. 

Until December, Pluto will draw us to finish up and release an old cycle of growth, and the nodal axis close to the Sun and active through a Cardinal Grand Square puts a lot of focus on tying up loose ends and moving on from the past. The future now beckons as Pluto settles into Aquarius next year, and from now until then, we can expect to be drawn to make appropriate inner and outer preparations. 


© 2024 Aquila Idha - all rights reserved. Please credit and reference me and this website when choosing to use any written part of this article.   

Aquila offers Self-realisation mentoring, Evolutionary Astrology, and Tarot sessions for those awakening to their true potential.

1 Comment

Wolf Paustian
Wolf Paustian
Sep 26, 2024

Thank YOU ... !!!

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