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Pisces New Moon Forecast 2025

cosmos, fish, moon, pisces


The new moon can be thought of as a window in time when the higher-self initiates specific lessons or personal growth intentions for the coming month, and we can use the lunar cycle as a way of decoding evolutionary forces at a more granular level than the solar cycle or the transits of the slower moving planets.

For the spiritually minded person, the new moon is a time to receive the seed impulses for one’s personal evolution, and specifically those impulses toward bringing something new into conscious awareness. Each moon cycle fits into a larger cycle, which begins at the Aries new moon, and if you seriously want to track the unfolding pattern of higher-self guidance, it is a really good idea to record a log or journal of key messages and impressions received in the few hours before and after the new moon, roughly 4-5 hours on either side. During this window of time, make space to be more meditative and pay attention to your thoughts, inspirations, psychic messages and so on, as these will tend to correspond to the archetype the new moon is birthing in at the time, and correlate to the growth themes we are meant to work with during the month.

At some point in time (after a few months and over the year) you can look through your log and begin to see a key pattern unfolding, which can stimulate further insight in terms of life purpose.


moon phases
The Lunar Cycle

The New Moon in Pisces marks the culmination of the annual Lunar ‘New Moon’ Cycle that began with the New Moon in Aries last year, which means that whatever growth themes we’ve been focused on for the last 11 months will be reaching new levels of integration and understanding, or coming to a close altogether. If you’ve been tracking your new moon cycle over the last year, you may have some awareness of these personal themes. 

Typically this is a month when we can receive visionary input pertaining to the future. This is also a month when certain tests and lessons can dissolve away as we prepare to move into new growth areas on the personal spiritual journey. 

This can be a good time to slow down, cultivate stillness and receptivity through meditation and contemplation, in order to feel more connected spiritually, and to feel into what is coming next in your life, and make ready for the more activating cycle of Aries coming in March. During this ‘yin’ time we can benefit from going inward and reaching for an overview of our evolutionary process, to get a sense of how we are progressing from a spiritual perspective:

  • What lessons have you been learning this past year? 

Has it been patience, tolerance, forgiveness, self-discipline, humility?

(to give just a few examples of the possible themes…)

  • What is up for release?

I’ve included a fair few of the newer archetypes in this forecast so the chart looks pretty busy, and yet overall the energy gestalt is still more mellow than it has been over the last 6 months, with a few Yod aspects and numerous conjunctions driving the energy this month, so lets take a deeper look on what’s on offer this lunation…

astrology chart

Chart cast for the Pisces New Moon 28th Feb 00.44 GMT / 27th Feb 19.44 EST (Feb 28th in NZ/AU)

For a guide to the astrological symbols click here


Astro Technicals:


  • Saturn conjunct T-Wako and Mercury in Pisces

  • Pluto conjunction Pallas in Aquarius

  • Quaoar conjunct Pholus and Ixion in Capricorn

  • Logos-Zoë conjunct Makemake in Libra

  • Venus conjunct Salacia in Aries

  • Neptune conjunct the North Node in Pisces


  • Haumea opposing Hygeia


  • A T-Square featuring Haumea opposing Hygeia with Pluto and Pallas at the apex

  • A T-Square featuring Salacia and Venus opposing Makemake and Logos-Zoë with Pholus and Quaoar at the apex

  • Varda square Neptune and the North Node

  • Uranus square Praamzius

  • Logos-Zoë and Makemake square Quaoar and Pholus


  • A Yod featuring Manwë sextile Sedna with Haumea at the apex

  • A Yod featuring the New Moon sextile Ixion, Quaoar and Pholus with Varuna at the apex

  • A Yod featuring Jupiter sextile Varuna with Quaoar, Pholus and Ixion at the apex

  • Pluto and Pallas inconjunct Asbolus 

  • Albion inconjunct Logos-Zoë and Makemake

  • Praamzius inconjunct Neptune and the North Node


  • Quaoar and Pholus trine Albion

  • Venus and Salacia trine Varuna

  • Typhon trine Neptune and the North Node

  • Praamzius trine Varda


To begin with…

The primary signature of the New Moon chart are the 3 Yod formations sometimes called “the finger of God”. Yods are formed by at least 3 celestial bodies, where 2 are generating an energised harmonious resonance (sextile), which simultaneously generate a more challenging and subtle dissonance (inconjunct) with the archetype at the apex. This grand aspect looks like an isosceles triangle pointing like a finger toward a specific part of the chart.

yod, triangle, aspect, astrology
The Yod aspect

Yods represent a form of internalised tensions and crisis, which may be solely internal, or can be activated by outer challenges, often in the form of resistance-blocks or criticism. Things have been heating up on the world stage with the recent initiation of DOGE in the US, and most recently US VP JD Vance's speech challenging EU leaders in Munich, now sending reaction ripples throughout the world, giving many cause to feel a rising sense of tension or crisis as the world moves into an era of accelerated change, linked to the recent ingress of Pluto into Aquarius. Yods represent lessons of humility and surrender; we are typically required to look inward more deeply, in order to figure out what needs to be healed or adjusted in the way we function and operate. This is to say that if world events are catalysing strong feelings and reactions, then working to identify personal inner dynamics and belief patterns will be helpful.

The general growth ambience for this month will include the feeling that things are not flowing as well as they could; that something is obstructing personal progress, and that in all likelihood we are required to make inner changes and adjustments to the way we think about current issues, the way we approach life and what we want to manifest, or in relation to how we view ourselves; how worthy we feel, and how much love we afford ourselves. 

This is a month where the need to address key questions on pertinent issues is more heightened than usual.

Sovereignty and self-mastery at the centre of this lunation

lion, crown, heart, gold, blue
Varuna in Leo represents a call to self-realise

The New Moon is in a close new phase sextile to Pholus, Quaoar and Ixion that together form a stellium in Capricorn. These 3 archetypes represent a long-term collective process connected to high frequency transmissions coming from the Galactic Centre via our sun, which are having a profound effect on global society, cultures, systems and structures. The presence of Ixion indicates the role of the Shadow as part of an ongoing collective spiritual alchemy; as more spiritual light saturates the field, so too do the shadow forces become ever more revealed.

The energy of the Capricorn stellium is generating a strong impulse to keep breaking free from the old structures this month, where we may find ourselves surrendering more and allowing old attachments to simply dissolve away. This impulse to break free, much like trying to extricate oneself from a web of entrapment, feeds directly into Varuna via 2 inconjuncts that form a Yod: in order to release ourselves from the lower frequency structures (the False Matrix), whether they be lifestyle patterns, habits, thoughts, beliefs or emotional patterns, we must inevitably yield within, in order to make the necessary internal adjustments that open the way to greater self mastery and sovereignty.

Shadow integration is quintessential to the ascension process

face, shadow

Quaoar, Pholus and Ixion (aside from being the apex of a Yod and a T-Square) also form an interesting relationship with Albion by trine, and Logos-Zoë & Makemake by square. If we are struggling with the Shadow, whether it be in ourselves, in others, or in the world at large, it helps to understand that the Shadow when not rejected, actually helps us to ascend in frequency. 

Quaoar and Pholus are in a tight square with Makemake and Logos-Zoë in Libra. This archetypal duo speaks a lot to how our lost forgotten human story dovetails with the emergence of Christ-Sophia consciousness on the planet, which is directly linked to the return of humanity to an alignment with natural law principles. It worth considering that we are collectively processing at the emotional level events that took place 12,000 years ago (Makemake holds the memory of the last flood cataclysm), so we are all going through a roller coaster ride!

The square between these collective archetypes generates a lot of evolutionary tension pushing against those authorities upholding a false or blinkered version of human origins, and the spiritual role of humanity within the galactic and inter-galactic context. Albion, by trine and inconjunct, highlights the current time as somewhat pivotal to a radical expansion of human consciousness and potential. 

To add more nuance to this theme, Saturn is in close conjunction to T-Wako in Pisces. T-Wako (Teharonhiawako) speaks to an aspect of the inner-work at this time: we have to come to peace with the Shadow through surrender and forgiveness; we slow down progress when we choose to resist the nature of Shadow and its natural place in existence. We optimise Shadow integration when we take responsibility for the Shadow in our own lives in a gentle and forgiving way; in this approach the Shadow always turns up as a teacher, and at every turn in the spiritual path we are tested to ensure we are ready for the next part of the journey. This will require effort since there is a lot of shadow projection taking place that isn't helping.

Deep transformative and regenerative process is the foundation of evolution at this time

As Pluto begins to settle full time in Aquarius (for the next 20 years), evolutionary energy is building in momentum toward significant breakthroughs, which we are beginning to see showing up in the world in many sectors, for example the health sector, politics, leadership, technology, culture and lifestyle. We can also expect to undergo our own personal breakthroughs into new ways of living and being, as old limiting patterns are released. This might mean moving on from some relationships, changing life path, or moving to a new location (but don’t panic! This is just a beginning influence so there is plenty of time for radical change).

Pallas Athena, goddess, owl, moon, spear, shield, helmet
Pallas-Athena patron of heroes

This month, Pallas is rebirthing through Pluto, and together they form the apex of a tense and energised T-Square with Haumea opposing Hygeia. The goddess Haumea recently entered Scorpio (last year) amplifying her capacity for profound regeneration and renewal on all levels; the whole world is entering a time where there is real potential to reclaim power, especially in the area of health and wellbeing. This is activated this month via an opposition to Hygeia, the goddess of healing, in Taurus. 

healing, crystals, herbs, cosmos, priestess

Hygeia represents holistic integrative medicine and lifestyle practices that are both preventative and life enhancing. My feeling is that as we undergo the rigours of collective ascension, many will ‘choose’ to alchemise the lower frequencies through the manifestation of illness; we have allowed our world to become staggeringly toxic in the name of capitalist growth, and we are now beginning to recognise the karmic effects of that choice - we are all burdened by toxicity in food, air, water, toiletries, clothing, and technology to name just a few, and we are entering a time when this will have to be properly addressed one way or another. Robert F Kennedy’s new role as "protector of health" in the US, is just an opening symbol of the changing socio-political climate, as he aims to tackle issues such as food quality and fluoride in water, bringing that elusive conversation finally out from the fringes into the open.

This activation is linked directly to the rebirth of Pallas through Pluto in Aquarius. Pallas is the archetype related to heroic action, guidance, clarity, planning, and strategy; through Pallas we can be guided on our own personal hero’s journey. Her rebirth at 2˚ Aquarius (just 4 days before this New Moon) initiates a cycle that lasts for 5 years until 2030. 

Pallas is a very influential archetype for anyone following a spiritual path and choosing to cultivate a strong connection to inner guidance. She is a powerful ally guiding us through life, helping us move in the right direction, lining us up with what we need in order to deal with personal shadows, to become more authentic and empowered. Every time she makes conjunction to Pluto she picks up a new evolutionary energy signature that then becomes the over-lighting pattern of guidance at the frontier of our life lessons.

The Sabian Symbol for the 3rd degree of Aquarius is:

“A deserter from the Navy”

Astrologer Dane Rudyar’s interpretation of this symbol speaks to an individuals self-realisation through a crucial repudiation of a collective status that has become unbearable, implying irrevocable change through the outright rejection of cultural patterns within society. 

This can be interpreted on numerous levels, but it suggests that collectively the next 5 years will see more energy driving toward leaving existing societal patterns behind, which could mean policy reforms, changes in governmental regulations e.g. food, drugs, agriculture and technology, as well as changes in the way consumers spend their energy and live their lives. 

On a personal level this indicates that guiding influences will be pushing us to move beyond the status quo even more than before, and encouraging us to leave behind any lifestyle choices that ultimately leave us stressed, toxic and fatigued. 

Pluto and Pallas are currently in close sextile to Manwë in Aries, further infusing this dynamic with the light energy of the spiritual warrior, enhancing guidance with the courage to take correct action.

Transcendence or escape, which one to choose?

Neptune is in a close conjunction to the lunar North Node in Pisces, and Neptune is finishing his journey through the last sign and preparing to rebirth through Aries, the 1st sign, this year. This shift of Neptune into Aries (2025-2026) will coincide with yet another collective evolutionary change, which I cover in more detail in an earlier post: Neptune in Aries

From now until Jan 2026, the nature of the spiritual side of the human experience is undergoing a completion and rebirth, which will influence how we relate to spirituality, both individually and collectively; there is a new growth cycle on the horizon.

With Neptune activating the North Node, which itself has only recently moved into Pisces, the issue of transcendence or escape is at the forefront of the evolutionary process this month. When a planet reaches the end of a sign, it represents a culmination of growth lessons and the last 2 degrees of the sign tend to put us under more pressure to reach a breakthrough, especially if we have been resisting inner change. This means that Pisces themes are now intensified.

The nodal axis moved from Aries/Libra to Pisces/Virgo in mid Jan this year and will transit the new sign-polarity until July 2026. The nodal axis is like a compass needle in relation to collective human evolution, pointing the way forward in terms of personal growth. 

In the last cycle, we worked with the Aries/Libra themes of breaking free from the past, moving into new ways and new experiences, finalising karmic debts (especially in relationships), and coming to balance with the past as we prepared for new cycles of growth. 

man hugging tree, solar light, forest

In this new cycle we are moving to lessons and growth opportunities connected with the development of spiritual connection. We are going to be working with the balance between what is real and what is imagined; the sacred and the profane; dreams, projections and visions versus getting humble and real, as well as forgiveness and compassion rooted in healing and service.

On the positive side, the North Node in Pisces draws us to dream, imagine and envision new worlds and realities; to tune in and elevate to a more universal perspective, and to surrender more and cultivate greater compassion and forgiveness. 

On the negative side, if we resist the impulse to grow spiritually, we can be prone to intense disillusionment, self-deception and avoidance of what is real and true. Lessons may pertain to projecting ones fears into the world, or seeing only what we want to see and avoiding the parts we don’t like about ourselves or others.

With Neptune in conjunction to the North Node in the very last degrees of Pisces, initially there will be an intensification of Pisces issues; perhaps a growing sense of disillusionment and lack of meaning:

  • What is all the struggle for? 

  • Why is there so much suffering in the world?

  • What is the point of life?

These types of questions represent a need to transcend ones default perspective and elevate to one that is more encompassing and expansive. Neptune on the North Node may also represent a time of spiritual testing over this last month now passed and the upcoming month, where we may be asked to deepen trust, compassion and surrender. When we do this we can then breakthrough into moments of true inspiration and clarity of purpose.

Varda, representing high-angelic beneficent energy, is square the nodes and Neptune, adding a pressure to reach a higher perspective on life, and we may well be further catalysed to step up on the spiritual path, or even simply begin one!

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Praamzius in Leo makes an inconjunct aspect to Neptune and the North Node, again adding some pressure to choose the self-realisation path or else feel blocked. Both Varda and Praamzius act as mitigating influences helping us choose a more positive route, but if we do resist the spiritual call, this time period is one where the tendency will be to escape what we are truly feeling through various addiction behaviours, and we may find ourselves wanting distraction from what can at times feel like powerful and intense feelings and emotions coming up out of nowhere! It will be helpful to cultivate healthy rituals and practices that help us feel more balanced and stable while unseen forces are at play rooted in the unconscious.

Shadow influences still in the mix

Typhon, monster
Typhon in Scorpio - dark uncontrolled impulses

Typhon now at the last degree of Scorpio has been stirring up a lot of dark energy since 2017, and he is currently trine to Neptune and the North Node, suggesting that the emergence of dark chaotic forces is serving a collective spiritual awakening: 

  • How many bizarre and destructive behaviours are we seeing worldwide these days?

  • How many children murdering other children? There have been so many lately…

  • The recent Diddy case and Jay-Z rape allegation…

  • The deep racial hatred playing out violently through the Israel-Palestine conflict…

This signature is finally abating, and Typhon will transition into Sagittarius from late 2025 onwards, but we are still working with the darker side of human nature bubbling up to the surface for most of this year and there may yet be some strong revelations in world events to come before Typhon completes the Scorpio cycle. 


earth, flower of life

There are a few collective alignments to consider. Firstly the Quaoar/Pholus/Ixion conjunction in Capricorn features in several strong aspects, making this energy gestalt a key driver for collective change, which as already mentioned pertains to high frequency energy now altering the collective field and stimulating the evolution of our societal structures to higher frequency expressions, with the subsequent Shadow-integration this generates.

The way our society responds to these higher frequency transmissions has direct links to the true ancient past of humanity on Earth, and the re-emergence of Christ-Sophia consciousness on the planet.

  • Are we willing and able to walk forward in life with a courageous open heart?

A Yod featuring Jupiter in Gemini sextile Varuna in Leo with the Capricorn stellium at the apex suggests that the only way we can easily integrate the new frequencies is through a willingness to self-realise (ego aligns with the higher-self) through the integration of the left-brain and right-brain modes toward whole-brain perception. Some of us may well be able to discern this inner process.

And lastly yet another Yod featuring Manwë sextile Sedna with Haumea at the apex is an influence  I think will mostly affect humanity as a whole, where an uprising of energy toward the light and a stand against the encroaching darkness in the world, together with emergent new understanding about how the cosmos works, and the role of the return of the true feminine, must be fine tuned toward the full activation of the feminine principle in order for humanity to regain access to an innate and somewhat forgotten capacity to heal, renew and regenerate. 

Or put another way, its not going to be enough for the light warrior principle to make a stand against service-to-self agendas that currently cripple and hijack human potential. We have to collectively establish a healthy relationship with the feminine side of nature so that true collective ancestral healing can take place. This Yod implies a growing readiness within humanity to take the courage necessary to face deeply rooted trauma patterns as part of the way we collectively grow and move forward in the ascension process.

Remember that New Moon activations represent ripples of energy that inform the collective field for more than a month, so even though the full influence of the Yod may fade over time, it contributes to the evolutionary flow as we absorb and integrate aspects of its energy. From my experience writing monthly forecasts, it is possible to see repeating themes appearing in a sort of rhythmic fashion, a bit like the drum beat of a song or repeating chords, which both define the song and hold it together. The return of the Goddess has been a repeating theme all of 2024 and appears to be building in momentum now.


© 2025 Aquila Idha - all rights reserved. Please credit and reference me and this website when choosing to use any written part of this article.

Aquila offers Self-realisation mentoring, Evolutionary Astrology, and Tarot sessions for those awakening to their true potential.



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